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  • hawkesd172

Tabloid vs Broadsheet

Tabloid (poplars)

  • story per page

  • more adverts

  • more images than text (high image : text ratio)

  • san-serif fonts

  • lots of red

  • use of puns/ humour

  • large font headlines, in caps or underlined

  • soft news (gossip, TV, royals, celebrities)

  • news that causes panic

  • low register language

  • target audience - C2DE

Broadsheet (qualities)

  • lots of stories on each page

  • primarily black and white

  • all serif fonts

  • less colour, but has more meaning

  • higher text : image ratio

  • formal language

  • high register

  • lots of facts and statistics

  • hard news (politics, business)

  • columns

  • target audience - ABC1

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