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Representation and the News


Updated: Nov 16, 2022

Slide 3 - how is Trump being represented in these front pages?

The Metro

  • the front page presents Trump as bitter over the election result.

  • This is done though contrasting images of Trump and Biden, with Trump looking unhappy, and Biden looking overjoyed.

  • The pun in the headline 'Trump the Grump' sets the tone of the article and its representation of trump unambiguously.

  • Trump looks much older and more tired than Biden, due to the choice of lighting in the images chosen

The Independent

  • Overall, the paper presents Trump as foolish and ignorant.

  • The layout of the page is minimalistic, with a high image to text ratio, although there is very few of each. This makes the impact of the design greater, as there isn't any other articles to distract the reader.

  • The dates and direct quotes used, reinforce the message of ignorance, because they show exactly what happened, in a way that is hard to doubt.

  • Unlike the Metro, the message is implied, rather than explicitly calling him foolish.

  • the image of Trump reinforces the implied representation, as he is looking at the mask in a disregarding and mocking way.

Daily Mirror

  • The Mirror presents Trump as disappointed, but not aggressive or disruptive against the election result. There is no mention of his claim to biased votes.

  • It creates the impression he has accepted the result and is ready to move on

  • The paper is quite neutral in relation to political stances, it is not against Trump or Biden, however this is a more positive representation than the other papers.

The Times

  • Although the headline implies the Times is in favour of Trumps opinion, the rest of the article focuses on his negative actions throughout the election campaign.

  • It presents him a childish and petty, as it is focussing on all of the things he has said and done to try and swing the result his way, none of which had much impact.

Slide 4 - Why do the Sun and Mirror present BoJo in such different ways, even though they are both Tabloid papers? Why does the Scottish Sun have such different views to the normal Sun?

The Sun is a right wing, Conservative supporting newspaper, so them supporting Boris, a conservative leader, conforms to their values. The Mirror is Labour supporting, so doesn't support Boris.

The Scottish Sun is different because Scotland has a different government to England, and recently have expressed a desire to become a separate country entirely, and leave the United Kingdom, so aren't active supporters of the Tories.

Slide 5 - Compare how the Guardian and the Daily Mail present the BLM movement.

The Daily Mail are very against the BLM movement. The language in the headline is harsh and negative and makes the protestors seem like criminals. This is also shown in the choice of image. The image depicts protestors toppling a statue and defacing another one. This is focusing on the most extreme parts of their message, and doesn't explain or show any of their motivation for the protests.

The Guardian doesn't have a headline on the front page in relation to BLM, just a standalone. In the image, there is a march lead by Anthony Joshua. This is focussing more on the message and the wide impact and effect it is having by bringing in celebrities. The poster in the back says 'silence is violence'. Compared to the Daily Mail, this is focussing much more on the message behind the protests rather than the actions.

The Daily Mail and Guardian have very different ideologies. The Daily Mail is a right wing, Tory supporting newspaer, who are anti-immigration and use fear and drama lots in their articles. The Guardian is more left wing and Labour supporting, and although a broadsheet, support and talk for the people and workers more.

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