Question 1
10 marks, 15 minutes
Do this question second
Based on a theorist, usually a choice
unseen sources (web or print), analyse both, not a comparison
introduction - explain theory, intorduce argument
paragraph 1 - talk about source A, conform or subvert theory
paragraph 2 - talk about source b - conform or subvert theory
no conclusion, use examples.
Question 2
15 marks, 25 minutes
do first!
annotate source A and B
talk about CLIFT, CUPPTUNE, politics and conventions
need a conclusion
Question 3
10 marks
refer only to Daily Mail and Guardian
ownership and control/politics
economic factors (examples)
how they make their money (print, advertising)
impact of technological chmage
producers and their values -> Scott Trust (Guardian) and DMGT (Daily Mail)
Guardian is not for profit
Daily Mail is money driven
Regulation - IPSO
Competition - online news, social media
circulation (online and print)
real life examples
Question 4
only Daily Mail and Guardian
always a theory - why is it useful or not useful
10 marks
