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Mr Miller talk notes

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

Q1 - Social representations in the DM and Guardian. Use a theorist.


Despite better representation and social change. we still need to do better. We still look at black culture through a traditional, colonial viewpoint.


  • migrants represented as 'the other' in society

  • no equality, unwelcome

  • us and them

  • juxtaposition represents dominant white culture and traditional British identity

  • words like 'we' suggest outdated colonial discourses -> we all have that opinion

  • in summary DM lacks multicultural global outlook


  • challenges Gilroy, supports diversity and multiculturalism

  • positive juxtaposition - positive representation of migrant camp

  • language code offers a balanced, diverse post colonial ideological viewpoint

  • Guardian is committed to a global outlook

Q2 - How does media language convey valves, attitudes and beliefs about the daily mail and guardian.


  • DM doesn't like migrants, single parents, Harry and Meghan. Thinks we should be tougher on crime.

  • A "bullying" newspaper

  • most readers have a similar opinion


  • elaborate, serif font. Tradional, british values, old fashioned (Stereotypes, crime, Royal Family, gender)

  • coat of arms signifies tradition


  • bald man in floral pinny. looks uncomfortable

  • preferred reading - mocking man in pinny

  • very traditional beliefs about gender

  • part of 'femail' magazine. Women make

  • rhetorical question- reinforces traditional values about

  • social context for DM is very traditional


  • use of pronoun 'our' suggests we believe in the same thing. P

  • DM rarely reports global news.


  • David Cameron PM, conservative. Supporting Tory beliefs

  • use of 'we". Shared reading. Special relationship, We also agree with headline, all feel the same way

  • subjective and emotive, connotations of crisis

-> right wing belief and ideologies.



  • smiling child, very positive representation of a global issue

  • quite big, very positive

  • subtext supports labour visit to camp -> binary opposition to views of DM


  • high level, broad language code. Targets educated, socially aware demographic


  • serif font, clean, modern connotations.

  • above masthead is committed to culture and arts

  • targeted to ABC 1 demographic

  • more sophisticated soft news

  • this represents the guardian promising to report on arts and culture


  • Shows Guardian reports on global issues

  • binary opposition to Daily Mail

  • questions British values

  • left-wing, liberal


  • juxtaposition between image and text

  • enforces political views

  • young girl VS government U-turn


  • anti-tory ideologies

  • not overly biased, still investigative

  • also anti-establishment

guardian supports investigative journalism and diversity. high text to image ratio, objective facts, less emotion. Method of reporting is binary opposite to DM.

Guardian has objective epistemologies

Daily Mail has subjective epistemologies.

(epistemology - ways of telling story. Subjective = giving opinion, objective = just fact and figures)

Humanises Syrians as 'migrant' isn't used at all in the paper - liberal, left-wing ideologies.

Q3 - declining circulation, online newspapers + technology - DM & Guardian

  • Guardian - niche media, consumed by small group of people

  • social media - print can’t keep up.

-> competition

  • tech forced print into a corner

economic context -

Guardian doesn’t have much money

DM- lot of money as wealthy owners - always asking for money, funded via reader contributions / subscriptions


  • younger target audience, interact with younger demographic, social media on website

  • Newspapers -  1 way of communication

  • websites -> social Media 2 ways

  • websites share stanies on social media -> can’t do with print

  • Tech - given newspaper to speak to audience/ audience speaks back - interactive


website  - DM - 415.1m    G - 359.2 m

print - DM - 849,319        G - 105,134 (2021)

  • Guardian down in circulation, online platform successful


  • Guardian = Scots trust - small   charity, haven’t got same finding as DM to horizontal integration

  • DM - DMGT - Consolidated ownership & horizontal integration -> bought out similar companies in the same sector  = MAINTAIN


  • Post covid economic decline - online news less risk

  • Online newspapers often free (Times/Sunday times have pay plans & ease of access

  • Immediacy - print cannot compete

  • many alternative news platforms e.g. SOCIAL MEDIA (Twitter, TikTok), sky and BBC News apps, 24 hr TV & radio news, standalone News platforms e.g. HuffPost/Buzzfeed

  • decline in advertising revenue - primary source of revenue

  • less environmental issues -online news


DM - funded by advertising revenue & support from DMGT

  • Johnathan connected to Royal Family DMAT

  • Revenue, £2 billion, operating in 40 countries

Guardian - isn’t driven by Profit

  • Attitudes  - commited to investigate journalism

  • can’t think of a single institution Guardian hasn’t taken on - anti establishment

  • unique funding structure

  • don’t feel like they have an owner

  • don’t answer to advertising.

  • only thing that limits them is their resources

Guardian - Investigative journalism proof

  • phone hacking scandal

  • Windrush

  • corrupt politicians

  • tax avoidance

  • Edward Snowden

  • Pegasus project

  • Noel Clarke

  • Cambridge Analytica

  • Trump allegations


Passive audiences - GERBNER , old school believe what then read

  • Some people think GERANER = No good for Social Media

  • Social Media or DM literal hate speech -> effect

  • Repeated Representations reinforced and it circulated as common sense (more in printed newspapers) literally opinions & beliefs are cultivated by the newspaper - more passive audiences


  • online newspapers allow you to ‘speak back to media’

  • much more media literate, challenge what we see more

  • cultivating people interact more

  • sometimes people comment so much -> turn of comments

  • can’t do with printed newspapers

  • more progressive, modern theorist

Daily Mail

  • GERBNER - DM, mid markets, tabloids, twitter feeds of newspaper. "speaking back to the media". "you are what your share"

  • end of audience theory - how audiences hare changed. audience of print is very different to audience of website (SHIRKY)

  • Online audience less influenced by NEWS VALUES , not traditional audience.


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