> Tabloid - Midmarket
> Right wing, pro-brexit
> Panic stories, very dramatic
> Established in 1896
--> prides itself as being traditional
> Love royal family
> Boldly right wing (homophobic, pro brexit, anti equality, anti immigration)
> Owned by Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT)
> Sister paper - the mail on sunday
> DMGT passed down through generations, very traditional
> DMGT also owns property, insurance, energy etc
--> private owned, multinational, profit driven
> 1.25 million prtint circulation, 2nd highest
> Georgie Greig is editor (also a remainer)
> target demographic is older, white, lower middle class
> C1C2D(E)
> 35+ readership, average reader 58. 60-65% of readership is women.
> Broadsheet
> First published 1821
> Owned by Scott Trust, not for profit
> Never broken even
> They have a positive action scheme to encourage ethnic minorities to break down barriers as the decision makers are white, middle aged, Oxford men
> Trying to do good for the people
> Main coverage of the Windrush Scandal, so powerful Amber Rudd (Home secretary at the time) had to resign